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Spiritual Life

I love the smaller class sizes and how the teachers care for the whole student.
I am glad to have the staff at SCLA in my corner helping my children with their student life and their spiritual life.
- SCLA Parent

Statement of Faith

SCLA offers a caring, Christ-centered education and is governed by the SCLA association, a group of partner churches and schools affiliated with the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS) or the Evangelical Lutheran Synod (ELS).  The WELS statement of faith can be found here: What We Believe – WELS

From day one of being St. Croix parents, we knew that this was the right place for our child.
God is centered in all aspects of their educational life, both academically and socially.
- SCLA Parent

Christ is at the heart of everything at SCLA, where every student receives a Christ-centered education grounded in a Biblical worldview. We prepare students for lives of Christian service, regardless of their career paths, and offer numerous opportunities to nurture their faith.

Bible Class

At St. Croix Lutheran Academy, Bible class is a required part of the curriculum, and students are placed in a level that matches their knowledge background and developmental level. Students take Bible class each year they study at SCLA.

These courses not only equip students with biblical knowledge but also inspire them to live intentional, Christ-centered lives.

Beyond Religion Class

At St. Croix Lutheran Academy, teachers apply God’s Word in their instruction, creating a Christ-centered learning environment where faith and academics go hand in hand. Counseling and discipline conversations center on the Biblical principles of grace and forgiveness.

About 75% of the student body has a Christian background. At SCLA, we warmly welcome students of all faiths and are committed to creating an environment where every student feels valued, respected, and cared for.

Daily Chapel

Daily chapel at St. Croix Lutheran Academy brings the campus community together each day for worship, featuring a variety of speakers, live and recorded music, and diverse styles of praise. Graduating seniors consistently cite chapel as one of their favorite daily experiences and one of the things they will miss most after high school.

Mission Trips and Service Groups

St. Croix Lutheran Academy offers students numerous opportunities to let their light shine through Bible studies, service projects, and mission trips. Student-led Bible study groups, chapel worship leadership, and service efforts like New Friends and Letters of Love allow students to live out their faith. Annual mission trips provide hands-on opportunities to share Christ’s love, with recent trips including outreach in Utah, Georgia, Nevada, and Vietnam.

Pastoral Staff

Rev. Jonathan Enter

Rev. Jonathan Enter

Rev. Dustin Sievert

Rev. Dustin Sievert

Rev. Bradley Snyder

Rev. Bradley Snyder
