Support SCLA
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Your gift to St. Croix Lutheran Academy helps to continue SCLA's mission of educating the total student - spiritually, intellectually, and physically - in a caring, Christian family community.
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To give from your Donor Advised Fund, please click here to send a note to SCLA Mission Advancement when you’ve made your gift, so we can make sure to thank you and ensure that your gift gets to where it is intended.

Click on "Spiritually" to learn more about how we educate the total student.
Click on "Intellectually" to learn more about how we educate the total student.
Click on "Physically" to learn more about how we educate the total student.
Invest in the Future of Christian Education
Your gifts make it possible for more students to experience the blessings of a Christ-centered education at St. Croix Lutheran Academy. Each year, SCLA provides approximately $1 million in tuition assistance through the generosity of donors
Donations also help enhance course offerings, support essential updates to our facilities, and strengthen programs such as STEM classes, career and technical education, the arts, and athletics.
Thank you for prioritizing SCLA in your giving. We are committed to being faithful stewards of your gifts, keeping you updated on the impact of your support.
Every contribution helps us continue our mission of educating the total student—spiritually, intellectually, and physically—within a caring, Christian family community. You can donate to our general fund or designate the area to apply your contribution.
Join us in shaping lives for His glory.
Ways to Give
Annual Campaign
Help Us Meet Our Goal
Sustain daily operations, enhance programs, and ensure students receive the resources they need to thrive spiritually, intellectually, and physically.
With great enthusiasm, we present the opportunity to participate in The Next Generation Annual Campaign for this school year. Your gift ensures that the next generation will know the Lord through the vibrant ministry of St. Croix Lutheran Academy.
Annual Campaign gifts impact SCLA exceptional academics, arts, athletic, service and many other vital programs.
To make a difference in the lives of SCLA students by giving now, or join the Crusader Corps to make a continuous impact on SCLA students with a two-year commitment of at least $10 per month.
Help us reach our goal of $790,000 this year.
Every Gift Matters
Every gift, big or small, lays the foundation for St. Croix Lutheran students to receive an excellent, Christ-centered education with a global perspective. Partner with us in this life-changing ministry to train SCLA students to know their Savior Jesus and to use their talents to lead lives of exemplary Christian service, benefitting generation after generation.
Crusader Corp
Capital Campaign - Strong to Serve
Build for the future by investing in campus improvements and facilities that equip our students to serve boldly in their communities and beyond.
Through the years, St. Croix Lutheran Academy has expanded its facilities and programs from the basement of St. James Lutheran Church in 1958, to a campus on Crusader Avenue in 1960, to its present location at 1200 Oakdale Avenue in 1992. By God’s grace, SCLA has remained STRONG to serve.
The capital campaign Strong to Serve began in 2007 as an effort to better serve the students, their families, the Association, and the community for decades to come. The three-phase campaign includes a dormitory (phase 1), fine arts addition and update (phase 2), and a second gymnasium (phase 3).
Please partner with us as we seek to grow in the way that God is calling. Pledges and one-time gifts to Strong to Serve can be made on our online giving page.
Phase 1
New dorm increased occupancy from 100 to 152
St. Croix Lutheran Academy’s residential housing program has grown to encompass 30% of the school’s enrollment.
In 2015, SCLA was blessed to complete phase 1 and open a new 152-bed dormitory. The Groundbreaking Ceremony for the new dormitory took place on May 30, 2014. The new dormitory was dedicated on May 29, 2015, and opened in the fall of 2015.
Beyond providing housing for students, this space provides numerous opportunities to share the gospel and gather as an SCLA family. The new dorm provides larger and more appropriate living space not previously provided in the former dorms, separate, secure wings for boys and girls with increased supervision, large dining room, recreation area, a welcome center for families, and secure entrances and elevators.
Phase 2
New Building
In 2021, SCLA was blessed to complete most of phase 2, the fine arts addition and visual art room updates.
The New Building Phase, which began in April 2020, added two large classrooms with high ceilings, sound-friendly walls, and adequate space for band and choral programs; practice rooms and an ensemble room; a new school entrance with enhanced security; a new commons area; and updated visual arts rooms.
The final portion of this project enhanced the existing auditorium and video recording arts spaces. The auditorium facelift included new seating, lighting (stage and overhead), and sound and was completed in 2022. The video recording arts room was relocated to the existing music room and incorporates a soundproof studio. The cost of this project was divided into smaller portions as funding allowed.
Phase 3a
In order to complete Phase 3, we will need to make room for the new practice gymnasium by removing the former girls’ dormitory and relocating existing classroom and storage space. We are blessed with an existing north-end building that can be repurposed for such use. This existing building will be renovated to include space for Career and Technical Education classrooms and work areas, an athletic space for wrestling, a permanent concessions stand, restrooms, and storage space.
Phase 3b
SCLA’s current indoor athletic space is inadequate for demand. The number of activities requiring practice and/or game space, and the students participating in these activities, has outgrown the current facilities. A second gym will provide the space needed for teams and clubs and ensure that all students have opportunities to engage in extracurricular activities.
Other Ways to Give
Popular Ways to Give
Contact the Mission Advancement office for more information.
Donor Advised Funds
A Donor Advised Fund (DAF) is like a charitable investment account, for the sole purpose of supporting charitable organizations and ministries you care about. When you contribute cash, securities or other assets to a donor-advised fund at a public charity, you are generally eligible to take an immediate tax deduction. Those funds can then be invested for tax-free growth and you can recommend grants to virtually any IRS-qualified public charity from your account. Popular sponsoring organizations that manage DAFs include: Fidelity, Schwab, Vanguard, and the WELS Foundation.
Wills and Living Trusts
You can support ministry with a bequest from your estate at your death. Your will or living trust can direct the gift and you can choose a specific amount or a percentage of your estate.
Beneficiary Designations
Gifts to ministry or donor advised funds can be made from your qualified retirement account, i.e., IRA, 401k, 403b, or life insurance policy through a beneficiary designation.
Thrivent Choice Action Teams
If you are a Thrivent member, you can choose to designate your portion of Thrivent Choice Dollars to SCLA. Visit Thrivent to learn more.
More Ways to Give
Contact the Mission Advancement office for more information.
Endowed Gifts
An endowment is a donation of money or property which produces investment income to be used for a specific purpose determined by the donor. An endowment can also refer to the total of a ministry's investable assets, also known as principal or corpus, which is meant to be used for operations or programs that are consistent with the wishes of the donor. Most endowments are designed to keep the principal amount intact while using the investment income for ministry. Contact the Mission Advancement office for more information.
A memorial gift is one which is given in memory of an individual and may be in the form of a monetary donation or a physical asset.
Real Estate
SCLA accepts gifts of real estate that meet its gift acceptance policy.
Charitable Lead Trust
A charitable lead trust is an irrevocable trust designed to provide financial support to one or more charities for a period of time, with the remaining assets eventually going to family members or other beneficiaries. Charitable lead trusts are often considered to be the inverse of a charitable remainder trust.
The Wildung Society exists both to honor the memory of Lea and Elsie Wildung whose estate gift initiated St. Croix’s endowment fund in 1986 and recognize those that have remembered St. Croix with an estate gift.
Gifts that Provide Income
Contact the Mission Advancement office for more information.
Charitable Gift Annuities
A gift annuity is a contract between you and a qualified charity in which you make a gift of cash or securities in exchange for fixed annuity payments for life. After the death of the annuitant(s), the remainder of the gift goes to the designated charity.
Charitable Remainder Trusts
A charitable remainder trust is a tax-exempt irrevocable trust designed to reduce the taxable income of individuals by first dispersing income to the beneficiaries of the trust for a specified period of time and then donating the remainder of the trust to the designated charity. A CRT may be set up during your lifetime to provide income or can be funded at death to disperse income to beneficiaries for a predetermined period of time with the remainder going to charity.